Mystery Ranch

Complete your mission and come home with Mystery Ranch. Mystery Ranch fire packs are for those who spend their days braving dangerous conditions and rugged terrain. If you’re battling a wildfire, these packs will help ease the burden on your back so you can keep going.

Why Shop With LineGear
LineGear was the exclusive dealer for Mystery Ranch wildland packs for a few years, closely working with the leading brand to identify popular products and exceed customer expectations. Specializing in wildland gear, equipment, and tools, Firefighters trust LineGear to go the extra mile for every purchase order to ensure they get what they need when they need it. Contact our team for one-on-one support if you have questions about Mystery Ranch wildland packs or need help filling an order.

How To Fill Your Mystery Ranch Wildland Pack
Every wildland firefighter carries two bags: a fire line backpack and a travel bag. The fire line backpack shouldn’t weigh more than 20 pounds, while a travel bag should weigh less than 45 pounds. Firefighters walk all day, following the fire and carrying their packs. That’s why avoiding overpacking and sticking to the essentials is necessary. Here’s what every wildland firefighter should pack in their bags:

The fire line backpack stores line gear, which includes a fire shelter, fire gloves, canteens with holders, first aid kit, GPS, compass, headlight, flashlight, and high-visibility flagging The red bag stores equipment necessary for longer assignments; items include a sleeping bag, compression sack, inflatable sleeping pad, extra clothing, and toiletries.

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